Yes, I know I should be writing my essay, but I thought I’d pause to mention a great set that you can obtain (for free) by Californian band Local Natives. I’ve talked about these guys a few times in the past, and I really think they might be 'the next big thing'. So, don’t you want to be one of those guys who ‘were fans before they got big’, ignoring the fact that those kind of fans are usually total assholes. (ha, like me!)
Anyway, the band recorded four tracks for LA Music blog Aquarium Drunkard and included some great songs like “Stranger Things” and “World News”. There is also a Talking Heads cover "Warning Sign" included in the session. You can have a gander over at Aquarium Drunkard. I encourage you to check them out!
As far as I know, you still cannot buy any Local Natives music, so it is a blessing that they are recording for blogs and music sites. If you like this session, check out the Daytrotter Session as well which features the great "Airplanes", the song that first got me into them.
as if anyone listens to music anymore. Don't you know the kids are all into this yarn bombing gaff now?
Actually you're right. Ever since pitchfork gave music 6.7, everyone has been jumping ship
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