Hi all. No real blog today in any meaningful, critical way. Unfortunately, an essay on political realism has claimed my mind for the time being.
However, I do have something to share. I've been really digging the most recent record by THE WALKMEN, "You & I", that came out last year. LastFm told me I should like them based on my listening habits. I'm usually a bit skeptical of these things, but for once the internet was totally correct! Expect some more words on this record...later.
Anyway, one of the songs from the album "Four Provinces" (which I think is absolutely stellar) has been used in what I can only describe as a fan video, I don't think its the actual video or anything. The video, which is available on youtube, is really fun, whimsical with a romantic thread running just beneath its surface. Basically, its a guy and girl having a dance off.
In other news, I was aghast to learn that James Iha, formerly of the Smashing Pumpkins, has teamed up with Taylor Hanson, formerly of Hanson, to form some band called TINTED WINDOW. What in the hell. It seems unholy that a musical genius like Taylor Hanson should team up with such an untalented, disgraceful guitarist such as Iha. I'm turning up my nose.
Anyway, I'm off to listen to the best of Glen Campbell.
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