A few Brisbane bands are milking up some of the scene in the old UK of A in the coming months. Specifically, I HEART HIROSHIMA and the JOHN STEEL SINGERS.
For my UK brethren, I implore you to swing by and check them out. To use a sweeping generalisation, you’ll find that these bands differ a lot from the usual Razorlight crap that seeps out of the majority of British radio.
According to their website, I HEART HIROSHIMA play the following UK dates in May, 2009
Thu 21 May UK London, Barfly
Sat 23 May UK Bristol - Dot To Dot Festival
Sun 24 May UK Nottingham - Dot To Dot Festival
Mon 25 May UK Glasgow, Twisted Wheel
Tue 26 May UK Manchester, Night & Day
They’re also gallivanting round Europe as well. Check the tour section of their website for more info.
The JOHN STEEL SINGERS (or as the acronym goes, the JSS) are also fucking off to ol’ blightly. They’re playing the Great Escape festival in Brighton on the 15th of May (wooh!). Their myspace speaks of other UK dates but no specific dates have been put up there. Keep an eye out, eh?
I HEART HIROSHIMA also play THE GREAT ESCAPE on MAY 16! Get to it! New single Got Bones and Crime out soon.
Yeah, exactly what anonymous said!
And I just saw that I HEART HIROSHIMA are just confirmed for LIVERPOOL SOUND CITY on FRI 22 MAY. I'm going to travel all over the countryside for these shows. So awesome they are coming this way finally!
I'm actually hoping a few of my UK friends see this and get themselves out to see a quality Brisbane band!
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