Well, I've survived a fairly intense period of essay writing to emerge on the other side of my Masters of International Studies degree. While not completely finished, the majority of it is now done and I have no more classes to attend. This sounds all very uninteresting, but the point is that I can return to blogging with a bit more focus.
This means that I'm going to make this a bit more professional. And I say professional in the sense that it's going to get its own domain name, get an artistic overhaul and be pursued with a bit more dedication and more interesting (hopefully local) content. As you would be aware, blogger's default layout is a piece of floating excrement but unfortunately I have never had any time to mess with it. This is why ploasd.com now exists and will be getting a default wordpress install within a few weeks.
This also means I can finally look at some records I've been listening to that I've had to put away for the past few weeks due to university. Apologies to those I've been stringing along.
But anyway, to other news.
You've probably all heard by now but Mr McMillen and co are doing the UnConvention Brisbane thing on Sunday. It sounds very interesting so I'm going to head along for the Sunday session to catch the Music and the Media and Music as Culture. So feel free to say 'hey' is you see / recognise me.
There is a free all-ages gig on the Saturday night featuring Hunz, Lion Island, The Cairos, and Laneous and the Family Yah.
Congrats on almost being done with your Masters! Also also congrats on moving over to WP with your own domain - it will be well worth it. I'll be keeping my eye out for you to come say hi on Sunday. I swear the amount of times in the past few months that we've been at the same place at the same time is ridiculous.
Thanks Bianca. Yeah, I've been meaning to do wordpress for ages, it is just that I've had zero times. I'll keep my eyes out on Sunday. I'll probably be the one asking shit questions.
Cheers for that Darragh. Hope you can make it to the showcase on Saturday (from 6pm).
Andrew, will have to see. When I say I've finished uni, I actually haven't officially finished. Still some assessment to do, but we'll see what I can manage.
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