Sitting here drinking a lovely flat white from my local Merlo’s coffee stop, and I thought I’d quickly mention some songs I’ve been thrashing to death on my winamp computer stereo.
M83 – 'Kim & Jessie'.
What a song! Listening to it is like taking a time machine back to a mid 1980s, getting out of said time machine, and going to the cinema to watch one of those teenage coming of age flicks that were so common back then. I do really like this particular song (why else would I be talking about it). Similar to another band I really enjoy, the Radio Dept.
Lykke Li – 'Dance Dance Dance'.
The Swedish can do anything. I wish I was Swedish. Arguably, they write the best contemporary pop songs, and have done for the past thirty years. They also love black metal. Lykke's acclaimed 'Youth Novels' album of last year contains this little gem. Simple in approach but well constructed and, above all, effective. Did I mention she is also extremely attractive? Those blessed Swedes.
J. Tillman – 'Under the Sun'.
Ok, this guy is the drummer of Fleet Foxes, but you probably wouldn't pick that up that fact from listening to this record. It doesn't sound much like any Fleet Foxes stuff. This particular song is from his album 'Cancer and Delirium' and while I don't think all too much of the rest of the album, this song is not too shabby. I do like the bedroom recording and the acoustic guitar work in this one (also, is it just me, or does he sound exactly like Paul Dempsey from Something For Kate?).
Girl Talk – 'Don't Stop'.
Girl Talk's 'Feed the Animals' is a great record.I'm not sure if I'm comfortable with aying that, as I'm supposed to HATE mash ups, but this guy constructs some truly fascinating mixes. I could have easily selected three or four songs from this record as my favourites, but I chose 'Don't Stop' because it uses two samples from two great songs - The Cure’s 'In Between Days' as well as Thin Lizzy's 'Jailbreak'.
Well, that was fun. Coffee has been consumed and I'm ready to get back to my normal vocation - study. Have a nice day.
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