My Fiction have been about the Brisbane music scene for quite some time now. They're launching their debut record at the Zoo this Friday evening and I had the chance to ask them a couple of quick questions regarding the journey so far, the answers to which vocalist Eric kindly provided with suitable aplomb.
Firstly, congratulations on the impending release of FIRE ROMANCE FIRE. I'm guessing its been some journey to get here. Can you describe how the record came to be? How long did you spend in the studio?
Looking back at the whole process it has been a massive journey, we recorded this album in two parts over a period of the past 18months. We had previously released an EP & Double A Side Single and received some success both locally and nationally but the adventures around the coming together of this album where immense in comparison.
I think releasing an album is a pretty ballsy venture, as an indie band it is always safer, easier & cheaper to go for a second EP but I have always respected local bands that put their neck/art on the line and step up to the LP plate. You only ever get one debut album and you will have to live with it for the rest of your life so you want to be happy with it. We aimed high for this album and under the watchful eye of Magoo the magician we put together a debut album that all the band are really proud of… I reckon at 80 I will be able to happily listen back to it.
Can you explain to me the significance of the record title FIRE ROMANCE FIRE? Is it some kind of description of a relationship? Or some indication of pyromania?
The track listing of the album does follow this theme in a relationship sense – if you sit for the 38minutes and listen to the album in its entirety you will kinda get it I think. In regards to pyromania yes also – the album was named after our track Fire! Romance! Fire! which lyrically is about the burning down of the Red Hill Skate Arena… and a girl I met there years ago who set my life on a different course. Cue violins… =)
Every June is a catchy little number. The video also looks like there is a story behind it. Can you explain what this song is about? It seems to me like a 'coming of age' sort of song - am I even near the mark?
Every June was written following the death of an amazing person last year who was very important to me. The video features the QLD Welter Weight boxing champion Sam the “BOSS” Leone – he is a friend of ours and had a close connection to the song so it was pretty special for us to have him feature in the clip. An interesting twist for any boxing fans out there – Sam fought on the under card for Anthony Mundine’s most recent fight at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre (last week). Sam’s ‘run on’ song was ‘Every June’… we were in the crowd of thousands watching on… felt amazing!
I recall you guys playing at my friends house party about a year ago and it was super rad, well at least until the fuzz shut us down! What can people expect at the record launch? Any guitar hero-esque wailing solos? Freak outs? Guitar smashing?
Every good house party should have a) a punch up b) random drunk vomit in the kitchen sink and c) the fuzz turn up… I am glad to hear we could assist with at least one of these =)
The launch is seriously going to be a spectacle – for us it will be quite the emotionally charged night, when the Zoo is packed and it hits 11pm all hell will break loose (we call Danny’s fro “hell”). The line-up is super tasty with the rather beautiful Judy Dolls doing their burlesque thang, Numbers Radio tearing up the stage and one of our favourite new Brisbane bands the Belligerents sharing their good looks & hooks with all and sundry… super line up. For our set expect some special guest appearances, album played live in it’s entirety, not to mention synth smashing and wailing glockenspiel solo’s… oh just you wait!
Obviously the start of a new phase of life for the band, what is on the agenda for My Fiction for the rest of 2010 and beyond?
Friday is the beginning of our East Coast Album tour that will take us down to Sydney & Melbourne including Bryon, Sunny Coast etc. I imagine there will be plenty of interstate travel coming up in the next 6months… I know some of the big music festivals are on the agenda also along with some big supports slots. We are currently nominated for a couple of Q Song awards so that could potentially be an interesting twist. We are also one of those bands that never stop writing so that will be happening between drinks.
Basically though our hope is to get FIRE ROMANCE FIRE out to as many ears as possible around this country and beyond – the current national airplay is helping that a lot. Personally I have had a long time love affair with Asia (Japan & China) so that would be rad if I could convince the powers that be that we should jump the next flight to Shanghai.
Thanks guys!
My Fiction play at the Zoo this Friday night. Tickets are $10+BF or $20+BF with a copy of FIRE ROMANCE FIRE included (I believe you can get tickets through the band's myspace site). Sounds like a bit of a deal to me!
Also, if you haven't already, a reminder to give me your views on the Music Culture + Lockout debate by filling out the form from yesterday's post.
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