It is something I bitch about nearly every year. The J Awards. Sometimes I almost feel that they're pointless.
Despite this fact, they're newsworthy. Three artists have been announced so far. Tame Imapala for Innerspeaker, Sia for We Are Born and Cloud Control for Bliss Release.
I haven't had the chance to listen to the Sia record in full, but it sounds OK from the one or two tracks I've heard from it. Obviously, I like the Tame Impala record. I was a bit disappointed with Bliss Release.
The thing I have always disliked about the J Awards is the apparent bias for rewarding artists who already experience high rotation on the station. It seems like a perennial backslapping exercise. I have always thought it would be great to make this about 'best debut record' or something like that. Reward rising talent, instead of rubber stamping bands or artists who already have an established fanbase.
Then again, I think it is fair to reward a well-crafted Australian record. But I also think that many of the nominees in previous years have released work that was questionable at best.
I don't know, perhaps I'm totally wrong here. What do you all think?
haha i'm almost opposite to you. i love bliss release, i was a bit underwhelmed by innerspeaker. i'm touch and go with sia - i haven't heard the full record yet either. i tend not to like her but i can't get 'you've changed' out of my head!
completely agree about the high rotation thing though. it depends whether the high rotation is by request from the listeners though or high rotation due to other obligations...i'm getting off topic here.
Triple J already has a similar competition for unsigned talent. It's called "Unearthed".
What is the process for getting the featured album on Triple J? There doesn't seem to be any transparency to it and the intros played before the songs are so gushing I'm amazed they aren't getting called up for advertising. They're so OTT they feel paid for (although I'm guessing they're not).
Also I think I'm right in saying three QLD albums in the 5 years so far (Grates x 2 and Drowned in Sounds' favourite, Bernard Fanning). Three out of 65 now with today's nominations.
Bianca - I just can't get into Bliss Release as I did with their first EP, which I thought was excellent. Like, I don't mind it, I just don't love the hell out of it.
Saying that "There's Nothing in the Water..." is a great song.
Anonymous - Yep, know about unearthed (some of my stuff is still lurking about there). But as you said, this is for unsigned bands. I'm talking about debut record regardless of label status.
Ed - some good comments. Yes, there seems little transparency. I'm guessing we're slave to what the JJJ staff believe is 'good'.
On that note - apart from Zan Rowe, I can't listen to any of the JJJs announcers anymore.
In the 2010 defence, the current nominees seem better than the usual ones.
Your right about the QLD - clearly not represented enough, despite so much good stuff coming out of here. If longevity is anything to go by, the Boat People should surely pull a nomination this year. I get the Drowned in Sound ref - wasn't there a post by you ages ago talking about that, in my opinion, very accurate view.
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