C'mon. I know y'all like to boast about your incredible musicology and how much you adore the latest release by Radiohead or how you have every single Belle and Sebastian single on vinyl, kept in an air tight container under your house to be preserved for all time, but every single person has an artist or a particular tune that could be considered a guilty pleasure. Y'know those songs that make you sound like a complete phoney, something you may (though possibly not) be ashamed to put on the ol' record player unless you've drank three litres of vodka.
I know I have mine. I've grown to accept that. But have you?
My flatmates in particular know about my slightly disturbing Phil Collins obsession (both solo and Genesis). Many a night after a drunken session at a local pub, many nocturnal Londoners are surprised to hear and my pal Ang doing a capella versions of Collins's "Something Happened on the Way to Heaven". We get mostly bemused reception.
The character of Patrick Bateman of American Pyscho fame has a killer quote regarding Mr. Collins and his work.
"Do you like Phil Collins? I've been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke. Before that, I really didn't understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins' presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group's undisputed masterpiece. It's an epic meditation on intangibility. At the same time, it deepens and enriches the meaning of the preceding three albums."
Truer words have never been uttered.
Lately, I have been indulging with Electric Light Orchestra's greatest hits collection, with 'Sweet Talkin Woman" on a medium to high rotation. 'Lovefool' by the Cardingans is my karaoke faux pas, along with some mandatory Spin Doctors 'Two Princes'. Actually, come to think about it, the Cardigans and Spin Doctors are not really 'uncool' bands, I just wanted to mention my two favourite karaoke songs! But I guess there is a point there somewhere, you wouldn't rip out Radiohead at a karaoke bar would you? Imagine doing 'Everything in Its Right Place', you'd be booed off the stage.
More guilty pleasures? Well, Icehouse ("Electric Blue"), Philip Oakley and Giorgio Moroder ("Together in Electric Dreams"), and Squeeze ("Up the Junction"). What are some of yours?
Daz, I must agree with you on ELO ("Evil Woman") but my guilty pleasure is Belinda Carlisle. This causes great offence to most people, so has to be partaken on the quiet.
Ha. Thats actually one I forgot. I regularly bust out 'Heaven is a Place on Earth' on my acoustic guitar.
Offense to most people? Pft. They need to lighten up!
I love Together In Electric Dreams! One of my work colleagues hadn't heard it, so I stuck it on a mix for her and I think she's now a convert. I'd do it at karaoke if I could.
Ha, there is no reason why you can't do it!
I recall my friends band, Trust Past Lovers, covering at the Troubadour years ago. It was magic.
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